Rockport, Maine – Month 4

Rockport, Maine – Month 4

08/01-08/30/2022: The owner of the Appledore Schooner was a guest of ours at Megunticook Campground and during one of our Lobster Bakes, he invited us all to come take a cruise on the Schooner for free.

We scheduled a ride and did a sunset tour around Camden harbor and the nearby lighthouses. It was an excellent experience and they served drinks aboard the ship as we cruised around.

Sunset as we came back into Camden Harbor

Rock Harbor Beer Tour

Scott and Catherine are good friends with the owner of Rock harbor Brewery and we enjoy and sell their product at the campground to promote the locally made goods.

They arranged a tour for us and we were able to see where and how the beer is made, canned, and distributed. We also got to taste all of the types of beer that they make and had our potluck dinner together at the brewery.

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